Lookup Questions for Contractor Exams

Lookup questions are designed to test your ability to locate and interpret information from a book. These questions are more than testing your memory. They require you to quickly and efficiently find specific information within your book. Lookup questions are fundamental when your exam allows you to use your books during the examination. Our Online Courses help you train for this situation with lookup questions and instant feedback so that you become familiar with your book layout and can navigate it quickly.

Lookup Questions to Prepare for your Contractor's License

Look up questions in our courses are integral to preparing for your contractor exam. They allow you to get familiar with your books and how the information is laid out, as well as how each piece of information relates to each other. With our key concepts and practice questions, you can understand and locate information quickly, and with instant feedback, check to see your retention success. Since the courses have unlimited access, you can go back and redo the lookup questions as you go through the course and track your progress in time. That way, you can prepare for both the exam questions and real-life situations where the information in your books will be valuable, and recalling it quickly is essential. Enrolling in a course also gives you access to Live Refresher Online Classes that will guide on how to navigate the books faster.

These are some of our most popular contractor courses; please reach out if you need help finding a course to prepare for a particular exam.

Another tool that is helpful to study using lookup questions is tabs. You can purchase any book with color-coordinated tabs pre-labled with the page and section numbers to help you navigate it easily and find information faster. Books ship daily via UPS ground from Fort Myers, FL. UPS tracking is emailed to you when your books are shipped.