Online Training for Contractors

Training courses are designed to broaden your knowledge of different aspects of the construction process that you will be tested on as part of your licensing journey. Take the study process for your contractor exam as an opportunity to acquire training that will help you pass your exams and be a valuable tool to refresh your knowledge and become up-to-date with the latest information and standards.

Training to Prepare for your Contractor's License

You may need to pass one or more exams when applying for a contractor license in your state. These exams will test your knowledge of crucial aspects of your trade and the relevant regulations that govern your scope of work. Contractor Campus helps you in your training process with books and courses to prepare for your contractor exam. Training is vital to become familiar with the material, answer practice questions, and understand and solve math problems in anticipation of your exams. Our Online Prep Courses allow you to do this at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. All of our training courses include lecture videos, practice questions, key concepts, and step-by-step solutions to math problems. Below you will find some of our training courses. Please contact us if you need help finding a specific training course: