Money-back Guarantee for your Contractor Classes

Many schools include a money-back guarantee that promises a full refund if you are unable to pass your exams after completing the course. Remember to check the requirements carefully when a course offers a money-back guarantee. Many money-back guarantee programs require you to fail the exam a certain amount of times, do the course in a particular way, or have accessed specific resources, making it virtually impossible for you to get your refund.

Instead, we have several tools at your disposal to help you fully prepare for your exam. Our team is available for academic support to help you understand how to take advantage of all your study materials. You can attend Live Refresher Online Classes as needed when enrolled in any course to get guidance live from an instructor and learn how to answer the questions you will likely encounter during your test. If you want to shorten your study time and get personalized and focused assistance, we have 1-to-1 Tutoring Sessions with construction education professionals who have a solid academic background available.

Since our Online Courses have unlimited access, our No Pass No Pay policy allows you to continue to take classes with us for an unlimited amount of time without paying again. You can learn about our terms and conditions here if you want to know more.