Live Classes for your Contractor Exam

Live learning environments allow for real-time, immediate communication between instructors and students. This connection can boost your engagement with the study materials and cement your understanding of important subjects. Live classes are an excellent complement to your online training. The interactive experience enhances your learning process, implementing different strategies helps you understand complex subjects better, and being able to attend as many as you need will ensure you are reaping the benefits of all the aspects of your course.

Live Learning for your Contractor's License

All of our courses give you access to Live Review Online Classes that cover basic concepts of business, accounting, and trade math. During these classes, you will learn how to answer all the questions you will likely encounter during the tests with the help of a professional instructor who can answer your questions in real-time. These live classes also guide you in finding the information in your books so that you can make the most out of studying with your Online Course. You can see some of our most popular courses below; feel free to reach out if you need help signing up for a particular course.


If you want to have a live online, individualized learning experience directly with an instructor, you can schedule one of our 1-to-1 Tutoring Sessions with construction education professionals who have a very strong academic background and specialize in helping spass their licensing exams.