Classes at a Physical Location for Contractors

Taking classes at a physical location limits you to only accessing schools in a specific area. It also requires you to manage your schedule around going to a classroom. Consider instead taking an Online Prep Course. Online schooling can have all the advantages of classes at a physical location while allowing you more flexibility, access to innovative learning strategies, and control over your process.

Classes at a Physical Location to Prepare for your Contractor's Exam

No matter where you are, the state you want to obtain your license in, or the restrictions of your work schedule, our Contractor Courses are available to you, so you can start studying right now without needing to take classes at a physical location. Our courses walk you through step-by-step solutions to math problems, give you instant feedback on practice questions, and include lecture videos you can watch as many times as you need. During the Live Refresher Classes, construction professionals who understand the difficulty of the licensing exams will help you understand key concepts and solve questions you will likely encounter during the tests. Below is a sample of our most popular courses. Please get in touch with us if you need help finding courses for a particular exam: