Índice del artículo

Some of the highlighs of the application form are provided below. This information is provided for information purposes only. Contractor Campus is a private company and has no relationship with Palm Beach County.

Palm Beach Application Form PDF

Certificate of Competency Application | Tips and Explanations

For questions about the application please contact the Construction Industry LIcensing Board (DBPR) or Palm Beach County. Their address is 2300 N Jog Road, Suite 2W-61, West Palm Beach, FL 33411-2741. Their phone number is (561)233-5525

The completed application must be mailed to the address below:
Contractor Certification Division,
2300 N. Jog Rd, Suite 2W-61
West Palm Beach, FL 33411

A completed application must be receibed by the 1st Friday of each month to be considered by the CILB on the same month

Business Financial Form (Form A)

This form is in essence a balance sheet. On it you will list the following information:

  • Current Assets
  • Fixed Assets
  • Current Liabilities (AKA Short-Term Liabilities)
  • Long Term Liabilities
  • Net Worth (Assets-Liabilities)

Employment History Form (Form B)

In this form you must provide the following information:

  • Employer Name (person for whom you worked)
  • Dates Employed
  • Employer Address
  • Employer Phone Number
  • Name of qualifying contractor for Employer (This could be the owner of the employer company OR another invidual)
  • License number of qualifying contractor
  • Contact Name
  • Role (The role you played within the company (worker or supervisor)
  • Describe job duties (consice, honest description of work performed)

Affidavit of Construction Experience Form (Form C)

This is the part of the form which is notarized by the the contractor signing off on your experience.

Qualifiers Responsibility Affidavit Form (Form D)

This part of the form makes you aware of what it actually means to be the qualifying agent of a business. You MUST supervise the work done by the company (all the work covered under the scope of your license.