
Horsepower is a unit of power equal to 745.7 watts. When calculating horsepower (HP) in direct current (DC) systems, use:

Horsepower = Volts x Amperes x Efficiency/ 745.7 W
HP = V x A X Eff /745.7 W

When calculating horsepower in single-phase

Horsepower = Volts x Amperes x Efficiency x Power Factor/ 745.7 W
HP = V x A X Eff x Pf /745.7 W

When calculating horsepower in 3-phase

Horsepower = Volts x Amperes x Efficiency x Power factor x 1.73 / 745.7 W
HP = V x A x Eff x Pf x 1.73 / 745.7 W

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