Washington Handyman License

The Handyman License allows you to do the following work:

  • Perform more than one unrelated specialty trade or craft if all work is done by themselves
  • Work limited to minor and casual work of existing residential maintenance and repair of less than $2,000

Washington Handyman licensees cannot perform work requiring a building permit.

How to Get the Handyman License in Washington?

  1. Determine the business type and register with the Department of Revenue:
    • If setting up a sole proprietor or partnership, determine the business name
    • If starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation, refer to the Secretary of State for information on how to incorporate the business
  2. Complete and get a Washington Continuous Contractor Surety Bond for the required amount
  3. Purchase a general liability insurance policy for the required amount
  4. Fill out an Application for Contractor Registration with notarized signatures. If unsure of how to correctly fill out the application form, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries offers help with the application and business registration to those who visit their local offices
  5. Gather all the previous documents and send them with the registration fee to:
    Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
    Contractor Registration
    P.O. BOX 44450
    Olympia, WA 98504-4450
    It is also possible to visit a local office to deliver all the documents and fees
  6. Expect a registration card from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries after the application is processed
  7. Note that once the business has been registered, it will be listed in the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Verify a Contractor, Tradesperson, or Business website