Are you interested in getting a Contractors License in North Carolina?

There are seven types of contractor licenses which you can obtain:

  • General Contractor Licensess
  • Electrical Contractor Licenses
  • Plumbing Contractor Licensse
  • Heating Contractor Licensse
  • Fire Sprinklers Contractor Licensse
  • Refrigeration Contractor Licensse

General, Electrical, and Refrigeration contractors are part of different licensing boards while plumbing, Heating, and Fire Sprinkler are combined into a single board. Each contractor licensing board has its own licensing requirements and application forms.

Types of Contractor Licenses in North Carolina

The type of work you wish to do determines the type of license you'll need.

Some of the licenses which fall under the General contractor's licensing board are:

Building, Residential, Highway, Public Utilities that include Communications, Electrical-Ahead of Point, Fuel Distribution, Water and Sewer Lines, or Water Purification And Sewage Disposal, Asbestos, Boring and Tunneling, Concrete Construction, Insulation, Interior Construction, Marine Construction, Masonry Construction, Railroad Construction, Roofing, Metal Erection, Swimming Pools , and Wind Turbines.

Electrical contractor licenses are issued by the Electrical Contractors Licensing Board and are classified based on the monetary amount of the contracts an electrical contractor can engage in. Some of the electrical licensing classifications in NC are:

Limited (L), Intermediate ( I), Unlimited (U), Residential Dwelling License (SP-SFD), Fire Alarm/Low Voltage (SP-FA/LV), Elevator (SP-EL), Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning (SP-PH), Groundwater Pump (SP-WP) , Electric Sign (SP-ES), Swimming Pool (SP-SP).

Plumbing, Heating, and fire sprinkler contractors can be choose from one of the following licensing categories:

Plumbing class l or Plumbing class ll, Plumbing restricted limited, Plumbing Technician, Fuel Piping Technician, Heating Group 1 Class l, Heating Group 1 Class ll or Heating Group 1 Technician, Heating Group 2 Contractor or Heating Group 2 Technician, Fire Sprinkler Installation, Fire Sprinkler Inspection, Fire Sprinkler Inspection Technician, Fire Sprinkler Installation Residential or Limited maintenance Technician, and state, local government tech for Heating Group l, Heating Group ll, Heating Group lll or Plumbing.

Class l licenses apply for working on Commercial, Residential, Industrial, and Institutional Buildings, term Class ll are for working on single-family detached residential dwellings.

How to become an NC Contractors License

  1. Get a business registration (this process will modify depending on whether you are an exclusive proprietor or register an organization).
  2. Complete your license application.
    • For General Contractor License, you must apply at the Licensing Board for General Contractors(NCLBGC).
    • Candidates for an Electrical Contractor license need to request it at the state Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors(NCBEEC).
    • HVAC needs to complete the Plumbing, Heating, and Fuel Piping Contractor Examination solicitation.
  3. Get board approval.
  4. Pass the licensing exams.
  5. Pay an application licensing fee (around $100 per application).

The application form will require you to specify your professional background, you may need to attach financial statements and balance sheets, personal and professional references. You need to identify the classification you are applying for. Applicants for a Contractor License must pass any form of examination to be approved for their license. All of these licenses are renewed yearly. All contractors must proceed with continuing education courses to renew their licenses.

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